The 32nd edition of Tabayyun has been published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies. This issue includes the following articles: "Fakhr al-Din al-Râzî's Critique of Peripatetics and the Mutakallimun's Conception of Time" by Mohamed el-Sadiqi; "The Concepts of Causality and Determinism: Between Averroes and Baruch Spinoza," by Bilal Elbazi; "Abuses in the Name of Reason: Contribution to a Critical Theory of Terrorism," by Rachid Boutayeb and "On Salafi Imaginary and its Memory: An Archaeological Approach," by Zouheir Soukah.
The issue also contains Raed Al-Samhouri's review of What is Salafism? by Azmi Bishara and Driss El Khadraoui's review of Walter Benjamin: Critical Constellations by Graeme Gilloch.
The journal content is available for free download on the Tabayyun Website.