
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the eighth issue (Spring 2024), of Hikama, the biannual peer-reviewed public administration and public policy journal.

This issue includes the following six articles: “The United Nations Early Warning Mechanism for the Prevention of Genocide and its Obstruction in the Case of Palestine,” by Aicha Elbasri; “Public-Private Partnerships in Sudan: Challenges and Opportunities,” by Monged Abdalla & Tamer Qarmout; “Struggling to Fit: The Case of Saudi Born Millennials from Palestinian-origin Returnees to Jordan,” by Abdallah Abolouz; “Financial Sustainability of Qatar's Third Sector through Direct Public Investment,” by Al-Anoud Al-Merry and Moosa Elaya; “Neoliberalism in A Colonial Context: A Critical Review of the Palestinian Economy under Zionist Settler Colonialism,” by Ashraf O. Bader; and “Investing in Sports to Promote Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the Qatari Humanitarian and Development Sector Post-World Cup,” by Mona Hedaya.

The issue contains two reviews: “Resisting Domination in Palestine: Mechanisms and Techniques of Control Coloniality and Settler Colonialism,” and “Crafting an AI Strategy for Government Leaders: Does your Agency have a Holistic AI Strategy? by Editorial Board. 


All issues of Hikama are available for download at: https://hikama.dohainstitute.org/en