The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies have published the seventeenth issue of their biannual peer-reviewed journal Ostour. This special issue contains papers from the symposium, “Hichem Djaït: the Historian and the Thinker,” convened in cooperation with the Tunisian office of the Arab Center, the Center for Economic and Social Studies and Research in Tunisia, and Laboratoire Histoire des Economies et des Sociétés Méditerranéennes, on 14-15 March 2022, to unpack the intellectual legacy of Hichem Djaït.
The issue includes the studies: “Hichem Djaït and the Orientalists” by Hayat Amamou; “Hichem Djaït and the Foundations for Arab Enlightenment” by Kamal Abdellatif; “On Hichem Djaït and Modern Prophetic Biography” by Soumaya Louhichi; “Hichem Djaït and Prophet Muhammad's Biography: A Methodological Critique” by Amr Osman, and “The Contribution of Hichem Djaït to the History of Systems and Institutions in the Maghreb”, by Hassan Hafidi Alaoui. The section devoted to testimonies includes the article "On the Early Works of Hichem Djaït: The Question of the Past and the Preoccupation with Fate” by Hassen Mohamed. The issue concludes with three book reviews: a review of Hichem Djaït’s Penser l'histoire, penser la religion, by Hayat Amamou, and two reviews of Hayat Amamou’s book Hichem Djaït. Itinéraire d’un Universitaire Et Intellectuel Tunisien, by Abdelhamid Hénia and Kamal Abdellatif.
*** Given the challenges posed by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the ACRPS has made all issues of Ostour available to access for free on its website.