Studies 04 September, 2022

Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Zionism, Settler Colonialism

Lorenzo Veracini

​Associate professor in the Institute for Social Research at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne.

This paper discusses Islamophobia and its relationship with antisemitism in the context of the radical European right's recent shift towards pro-Israel positions and away from its traditional antisemitism. While this shift also has US and Australian manifestations, this paper emphasises the foundational role colonial and settler colonial imaginaries play in the dynamic relationship between these forms of prejudice. It also suggests that current Islamophobic utterances can be seen as surrogate antisemitism.

This study was published in the 10th (APRIL/MAY 2022) of AlMuntaqa, a peer-reviewed academic journal for the social sciences and humanities, (pp. 65-75). You can read the full paper here.