Studies 04 January, 2012

Economic cooperation between Sudan and Qatar


Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Waqi’ Mohammad Al-Jaali

Economist residing in the state of Qatar


acrobat Icon In recent years, the world has seen brisk changes and shifts in all economic fields, leading to radical changes in the economic policies of many states. Most states in the world have abandoned governmental hegemony over various economic activities, leaning toward liberalizing their economies, and allowing the local and foreign private sector to conduct all -or most- economic activities. Thus, the world has witnessed an increasing internationalization of economic life with production surpassing national boundaries. The question of foreign investments emerged forcibly as one of the paramount economic topics in the questions of contemporary economy and as an important tool of economic cooperation between countries.

Among the states that opted for economic liberalization was Sudan. The country has recently seen positive economic changes consisting of allowing foreign investments to enter the country -in tandem with the formulation of laws encouraging that purpose. As a result, foreign investments began flowing into the country, which include the investments of the state of Qatar -both in the public and private sectors- in many investment projects in various economic fields.